Friday, January 30, 2009

Keep on Posting

I have posted on and everyday this week. I may have posted on one site or the other everyday for a week but, this is the first time that I have posted on both sites everyday for a week. And every single day visits were better than the corresponding day for last week. Maybe my goals are not very realistic but, I figured any business, whether its a blog or a real actual physical location, that could grow at the rate of 10% a week would eventually have to be successful. And, for the month of January, I have surpassed 10% growth in visitors per week per site. Now, what Iam trying to figure out is, is that growth going to be sustainable, easier to achieve or harder to achieve as these two blogs become a little better known. Now, if you have a blog, go to blogcatalog. Just click the button on the right column of this site and it will take you there. This one directory is sending me a fair amount of traffic. Look me up, my screen name is rlrw2. Add me as a friend and I will return the favor.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How Did This Come About ?

I don't know about you but, I spend a lot of time online each and every day reading. Most of what I read has to do with becoming a successful blogger. I have worked in television advertising for years. I have always wanted to work for myself and with tv being so expensive and watching newspapers cutting back on staff or folding altogether, the internet just seemed like the right place for me to turn. So, one day, sitting in front of the computer I typed 'make money online' into yahoo search. Needless to say, I started reading and within a month of typing that phrase into a search engine, I had a blog. And then another. And then another. And I still read and read and read about this topic everyday. My two favorites are and
I have only had my own blog(s) for just over a month. I made my first post on on December 18. My first post on was on January 5th and I started this site only last week. My ultimate goal is to be able to do this full time and work from home. Why do you want to blog?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Getting the Word Out

I had been feeling a bit under the weather for the last few days. My last post here was Thursday when I talked about how important posting regulalrly was. My last post on was also on Thusday. I did make an Oscar nomination post on on Friday and, wouldn't you know, the boxoffice blog numbers were considerably better than the sites that I didn't post on. Yesterday, I was feeling a bit better and made a post on the backward future and the numbers came right back and then some. The lesson here would seem to be post, post, post, write, write, write.
But, anyway, I wanted to tell you some of the things that I have done to get the word out about the backward future site. If you remember, last week I mentioned that I had done a lot of social marketing for my box office blog that I didn't do for the backward future.
I have done these things for both sites. I registered with Technorati, MyBlogLog, and Blogcatalog. They have all brought me some traffic. I have added the URL for both sites to Google search (, Yahoo search ( and MSN ( and I have had visitors from all 3 search engines to each site.
Today, I posted to all three (including this one) sites.
I have some other things that I am going to do today that I will report on tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1-21-09 Late Post

Sorry for the late post. It's been a crazy day. I did put up a fresh post on both and . Note to self, visits to the site are up when I post regularly

Make Money Online Diary: In the VERY Beginning

Good Morning,

After I made my 'In the Beginning" post yesterday, it occurred to me that this was really only relevant if you either have or are thinking of getting a blog. I am really a computer dummy. I did not have a clue how to set up a blog once I decided that I wanted one (or more). To actually do the nuts and bolts of setting up a blog from scratch, I was clueless. I came across this article, and even an idiot like me was able to follow along and get a blog up and working, . I have never met these people either online or in person. I don't know them and they don't know me. I only point that out because I want you to know I have nothing to gain, either financial or otherwise if you follow this step by step guide. Once you go through that article, you may better understand where I am in the process of getting this internet business off the ground.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Make Money Online Diary: In the Beginning

Hello, and thanks for following along. I started this Blog as a way for me to track my daily activities as I try to grow my two blogs. This way you can follow along and I will be able to go back and review my posts and track what is and is not working. This would probably be a good time to point out that I have taken completely different strategies in promoting each blog.
Today I want to talk about . For this site, I have worked on what I later to be found out to be called 'social marketing'. I scraped together about 150 e-mail addresses between my saved e-mail addresses and my sisters. I sent out an e-mail to all of them explaining my new business venture and inviting them to visit the site. Probably half of those people went to the site and some of them have become fans and visit on a regular basis.
Next, I had all of my kids write a little blurb on their Facebook and Myspace pages promoting the site and including a link from their home pages. Right now, Facebook is first followed by Myspace as far as visits for 'Links from external page'. I also talk to everybody that I come into contact with and include a link in my signature to the site in all new e-mail correspondence.
I have not done ANY social marketing for . Currently, the box office blog is bringing roughly 10% more visits than my other site.. My next post will go over the non social marketing things that I have done for both sites.
I almost forgot, I put up new posts on each site.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Hello and welcome to Make Money Online Diary Blog. I am starting this blog for a couple of reasons. I have started two other blogs in the last month or so. I want to use this site as a diary or journal of my daily activities as I work to make a success of the first two blogs, something that I can look back over as I experiment with different things. The other reason that I am starting this blog, is simple. There are a lot of sites currently out there that will show you step by step how to make money but, I haven't really seen a site that let's you follow along and experience the trials and tribulations, successes and failures following somebody while they attempt to learn a new business. The two blogs that I started last month are my first ventures into making money on line. They are primitive but they are mine. I hope you'll follow along. If you want to visit the sites and watch as they evolve, go to or my other site at .